Welcome to the Journey!

"Follow me."  It is Jesus' invitation to everyone he would like to join him; everyone who would be his disciple.
A disciple is a "learner." From the beginning of his public ministry Jesus calls disciples to play special roles in his work.  They will accompany him: sharing in the proclamation of the good new of God's love; joining in the hands-on ministry of healing; embodying God's forgiveness (the receiving and the giving); and showing people what it looks like to have God's love change you. 
In the gospels, there is a special focus on the stories of "The Twelve," the group of original disciples who left fishing boats, tax booths, and life as they had known it to answer his invitation. Their learning took place "on the Way," rather than in a classroom.  Over time, there were many more than twelve, male and female.  It is thrilling to discern their stories in the Bible! 
 In time, these "learners" become apostles, messengers and missionaries in the greater world. So it can be with you!


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