Growing with Jesus

"And Jesus increased in wisdom and in years, and in divine and human favor."
                                                               --Luke 2:52

Tucked at the end of the second chapter of Luke's gospel is the one account we have of Jesus growing from a child into an adult (Luke 2:41-52).  He is twelve years old and accompanies his family on the yearly pilgrimage to Jerusalem for the festival of the Passover.  When the family begins the journey back home to Nazareth in the north, Jesus stays in Jerusalem.   Realizing his absence, his frantic parents return to the holy city and--after searching three days--discover Jesus sitting among the teachers in the Temple, "listening and asking them questions."  Luke writes: "And all who heard him were amazed at his understanding and his answers."
The anxious Mary and Joseph overflow with angry emotion: "Why have you treated us this way? We've been looking everywhere for you!" Doubtless they are relieved as well.  The young Jesus responds that finding him shouldn't have been such a puzzle: Don't they know he needs to be in this place of spiritual nurture?  That he is part of God's family?
His parents don't understand what he means at first, but Mary later treasures the depth of the journey and the life of her son that is unfolding.  The Jesus of Luke 2:41-52 is roughly Confirmation-age.
--What are some signs that Jesus is growing?
--Over the centuries, Bible Studiers and artists have often imagined that Jesus is "teaching the teachers" in this story.  But the story doesn't say that.  Rather, it says that Jesus is listening and asking questions.  How important are those two things when we are learning?
--Luke does say that people "were amazed at this understanding and his answers." How does any of us develop "understanding?"
--Does Jesus sound extraordinary, or does he sound like a typical kid?  How so?
--Mary and Joseph are furious with Jesus at first, but later "Mary treasured all these things in her heart."  What is it that she came to appreciate, or even marvel at, over time?
--What are some ways that you would like to grow with Jesus?


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