
What is Worship?  We began to compile a list:

--the Learning of God
--Prayer  (intercessory)
-- Sense/Experience of Community
--Liturgy ("the work of the people")
--Connecting with God
--Time of Comfort
--Forgiveness ("forgiving space")

Here's some more you may not have thought of:

Worship is at the heart of the faith community's life.

--Sabbath is a radical practice!

--Our worship is a daring act of imagination.

--Our worship reflects belief in God who is doing hands-on work to make new human futures.

--Worship is resistance to the dominant, life-flattening order.

--In worship we explore the experience of covenant community:
    (a) the celebration of a God-ordered life
    (b) engaging in the practice of hope in the face of the world's helplessness.

--Worship is celebration of a world that is fruitful and generative (not use-ful).

--We lift up God's themes of wholeness and completion in a world that can be half-baked
     and distorted.

--We root ourselves in the peace of Jesus (an antidote to anxiety).

--The fabric of our lives depends on fidelity, not "productivity."

--Litrugy is a way of imagining the world differently and acting according to that imagination.

(thanks to Walter Brueggemann)



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